Monday, December 1, 2008

Time Flies

It's always surprising how fast time goes. Look up, and it's nearly a month since I last wrote. Some things just have to take a back seat.

Ken was in a serious accident a while back. It always makes you think when that type of thing happens. Working in a bike shop, we hear and see the results of bike/car meetings a lot. I have yet to see the bicycle win. In hearing about Ken's experiences, it again reminds me that my household inventory is woefully outdated and even more inaccurate (doing inventory at the shop doesn't help). I am trying to get up the nerve to inventory my own basement which is a fairly daunting challenge.

My in-laws came into town last weekend. It has been tradition for a long time that the women-folk go shopping over the Thanksgiving weekend. This is the second time they have travelled to the Twin Cities to shop. We reserved rooms for them in downtown Mnpls and Friday went well. They did start late, and we did end up at MOA for a while, but then went to the Holidazzle Parade and had a nice dinner after.

Saturday was a little more difficult. We woke as normal, I fed the cats and made coffee. Not 10 minutes later my 16 year old cat, Chester, started to vomit. After about an hour of that, we decided we better get him in to the vet. They didn't open for another hour so we made some other phone calls to emergency vet hospitals. Just like human emergency rooms, just because you're there, doesn't mean somebody will be able to see you right away. So we made sure we were in the parking lot before our vet opened the door.

Chester has had failing kidneys for at least a year. We have him on a special diet with instructions to get him as much water as possible. Now, his liver seems to be failing. We're not sure if it's cancer or what, but it can't be good. After 4 hours, we took him home with a bunch of pills and an IV. There are limits that I want to do to care for pets. I grew up with farm cats and dogs, and they died on a regular basis. I still am not sure about the IV being in my kitchen pantry. It just seems wrong lying there next to my coffee beans. Amazingly enough, he has perked up and seems almost completely normal. I guess we play doctor for a while. I hope time flies.

Sunday we did the morning church stuff and then headed down south to some friends of ours for Sunday Thanksgiving dinner. I watched some football, had some really good food and it was a nice relaxing way to wind down the weekend.

Now it's back to work, where a great many more people decided to go today. We had a lot more customers come in for bike work than we have for a while. It certainly made the day fly by.

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