Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cars suck

My wife was in another accident last week. We hadn't yet fixed the car from the fender bender she was in last fall, and now our car is totaled. The most fortunate thing is that no one was hurt. The unfortunate thing is that we have to buy a new car. This was a less than pleasant experience for us 2 years ago. We bought a car that we thought we would have for many, many years. We didn't even make it to many. That was barely even years.

I am looking forward to my Blacksmith Guild meeting this evening. We are holding it at a machine shop that restores antique bicycles. They are supposed to have several high wheelers restored and it should be most interesting. I hope to attain some good pics.

I just wish I could make it work to replace the car with another bicycle. It just would make those trips to Des Moines a lot longer than they already are.


Anonymous said...

Mom told me about the unfortunate accident. I hear you have two weeks to make a decision? Or maybe not-maybe the ride share approach would work for you? Will your insurance cover the cost of a new car? Sorry to hear about your trials. I enjoyed the LDT III play by play!

Reflector Collector said...

Bummer on the car!

I take it I will be driving down to volunteer for TI5? :)

Any ideas on what you will be interested in for an auto replacement?