Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Why I ride a bike: Reason #1

Finding the second shoe

No, it's not the number one reason I ride if I were to be ranking them in order of importance. I just figured I needed a place to put these reasons down as I think of them, to be reviewed later and possibly consolidated into a list to have on hand for answering that question that I am asked many times a year.

Ken and I were returning from breakfast on Sunday and I noticed a shoe alongside the road. Now this is not anything new. Somehow, and this is a very interesting subject that should be discussed and possibly even written into a thesis, there is almost always only 1 shoe along the road. How did it get there? And why is there only 1?

Too many questions to try to answer. The exciting thing about riding a bike, is that when there is a matching shoe to be found, it is much easier to do on a bicycle. Sure enough, roughly 1/4 mile farther (further?) down the road was the match to the other shoe. It still doesn't answer the how people lose shoes along a stretch of highway question, but there is satisfaction to matching the pair.

1 comment:

Reflector Collector said...

It would be "farther" down the road.

Now that we discovered a pair, it makes one wonder what size they are and if they would have fit. If I wasn't in a delirious state of mind at the time, they looked rather nice.

It would have been a decent road score which would be a nice introduction to Reason #2... the cool stuff you find on the road :-)