Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Enjoyable Commute

Crappy phone camera image
People ask me why I decided to move back to the midwest.  This picture is a great example of why I love living in this part of the country, and St Paul especially.  The twin cities in general have a rather large amount of green areas around the metro.  This makes for pleasant scenery and lots of nice smells.  It is one of the biggest reasons I did not like Florida.

Great things can be found wandering about those green areas.  On my way home from work tonight I was slightly startled by the young buck standing about 1 foot off the bike path.  I stopped, expecting him to run away, but he merely sauntered over to his companion on the other side of the trail.  I scrambled to pull my phone out of my pannier and snapped a couple shots.  Besides the cable holding up the power pole, this could be a scene deep in the woods, not a few miles from the downtowns. 

Times like these remind me of how lucky I am to live where I do.  Also that I am extremely fortunate to be able to ride most every day to come upon scenes like these.  It reinforces my desire to ride and explore more of the area I live.  I encourage you to do the same.

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