Sunday, July 26, 2015

2015 RAGBRAI tour *Part 2*

We found this guy by chance
  We rode the next day with the RAGBRAI crew to Eldora.  There were no super antics that happened, just good clean fun.  It was hot and the heat again grabbed ahold of me and took me for a spin.  I did stop and help a young woman who had a flat but nothing with her to fix it.  I try to not play bike mechanic on the ride but sometimes it just makes sense.  It was easy to find shower and food in Eldora and then it was hanging around the square, lounging and having a couple drinks.  When it was time for sleep, we rode around for a few minutes trying to find a good spot where we wouldn't have to put up our tents.  This is when we rode by a small group of people that asked, "Do you want to see Saturn?"  I thought it sounded fishy but after double checking, off we hopped and sure enough an amateur astronomer was zoomed in on Saturn.  It was super wild to look at it.

  We did find an ok spot to sleep but it turned out to be a bit close to the driving action so there was a bit of traffic until quite late and started up pretty early the next morning.  We grabbed a little breakfast and ended up sitting alongside the route as there was quite a traffic jam of everyone trying to leave town.  We made coffee and nibbled until things cleared out and then we were on our way.

  I found riding out of town after 9 the riders we met were more my style.  A few more baggers and general attitudes of calm and fun.  We stopped at a stop for coffee and cruised into the first rest town after only 9 miles or so.  We stopped just for a quick bathroom break and then cruised out for the next grueling section of 7 miles to our last stop with RAGBRAI.
The most difficult mechanical all week

In Ackley, we wandered through the streets and happened by Aaron, whom we were somewhat looking for that morning.  We grabbed a slice of pizza and hung out watching antics and people for a good amount of time.  We then found a shady spot near the library where Cayley could change her cleats over to her sandals and departed town.  It was only a mile or so until we turned off the route and apart from the normal, "You're going the wrong way!" shouts, one person bellowed out, "Come back!" which was the second of memorable quotes from the week.

  We turned onto Franklin Ave which turned into gravel after a short time and went straight north for as far as we could see and then some.  Cayley did have a flat tyre, having a 10cm nail go through the rear but fortunately not through the rim.  There was shade nearby, so changing it out was not much of a bother.  Back on the bikes, we continued to ride north on gravel until just outside Nora Springs, IA.  I had a small mechanical with a loose rear fender bolt but thanks to a well documented packing list, I had the correct wrench to make the repair super slick.  At Nora Springs we took a shade rest and topped off liquids before making the short trek over to Rock Falls.

I love this place!
  There is a fabulous campground at Rock Falls with the best showering facility I have encountered at a campground.  There is also a great little bar and grill just a short walk away from camp.  We cleaned up and walked up to the bar.  The place was packed!  Turns out it was two dollar burger night and most of the town had shown up.  We were able to find a couple stools at the bar, sitting down next to the former owner of that bar.  He was a friendly gent and I talked with him most of the evening.  Weirdly enough, a couple other RAGBRAI'rs stopped in for ice so they could make cocktails out on the road.  They were also done with their RAGBRAI and were heading to Osage for the evening.  They had ridden over from Denver and it just amazed me that we would bump into them there of all places.  Total bill for 3 burgers, 2 orders of fries, and 6 beers totaled $23.

  I miscalculated our mileage for the next day so we started a bit lazy which I would change if doing it again.  We didn't have Butch follow us out of town like I had happen to me the last time I left Rock Falls, and we found what I thought was a great route over to Northwood, IA for breakfast.  Stocking up on drinks again, we again found wonderful gravel routes over to Geneva, MN for lunch.  There is a nice little bar and grill there which we used for lunch last year and again I don't think they disappointed.  Turns out we were a bit of talk and while we rested in a park after lunch, several locals came over to talk to us.  I haven't had that happen too often and it is a bit flattering.

  The maybe worst part of the entire tour was the stretch after lunch riding into Owatanna.  I am not a big fan of this bit of road and we took a direct route as it was getting later in the day and we wanted to conserve a bit of time.  I was not feeling very spirited at this point and when we stopped at HiVee for supplies, I did not have a lot of fight left in me.  Not being a huge distance from Nerstrand State Park, we headed out and shortly found even more good gravel.  The back way into the park is gravel and just a little bit hilly.  I used my small ring for only the second time during the week.

  Also very nice shower facilities at this campground offered pleasant cleanup after having a bit of dinner.  We were expecting rain overnight so we prepared everything and hunkered down for the night.  And rain it did.  There was quite a storm and the ranger the next morning told us we received over an inch.  I did end up with a bit of water in my tent but being the last day, it was not a big issue.  We made the little ride over to Northfield for breakfast where we bought food from a TRAM'er.  She was donating her tip money to the MS Society so it was one of the few times when my tip was more than my actual bill.

  The tailwinds were phenomenal almost all the way into St Paul and we covered the 50 miles in something like 4 hours.  That was with a couple stops as we were not in a huge hurry and it was quite hot and humid.   It felt a bit like cheating riding the wind like that all the way home, but it was a nice easy end the the week.  All those sunny days and miles behind me and not a bit of sunburn, one tiny mechanical and tons of smiling makes me think it was a successful vacation.

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