Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Right State of Mind

We made some national news last night with our "spring" weather. I knew it was going to be some rough going for the ride home, and I almost put on my pogies. Should have listened to my gut.

I rode to work yesterday in a light rain. It quickly turned to sleet as I continued north. I thought of my goggles still in their case, sitting on my dresser of bike clothing. But I had extra layers with me, it shouldn't be a problem. If anything, I could wear my safety glasses home. Throughout the day, the rain turned to snow, then back to rain, and then to mix it up, a little more snow. Temps kept falling from 2C, to around -12C when we left the shop.

Studded tyres are the best! There have only been a few times during the winter I have needed them and last night was one. No one went down, but it was close making the turn to the bank to drop off the night deposit. The wind was quite impressive and nearly blew me over coming around the corner. A bonus was being able to ride with the wind on the way back to the road that leads home. I was able to cruise for about 1/2 mile with no work at all.

One small stop to make Dan gloves from some extra socks and we trudged our way home. For all the wind, blowing snow, and partially frostbit fingers, I had a great time. Turning into the wind again, about 3/4 of the way home, I had difficulty because I was laughing and the wind and snow were making my teeth hurt. I couldn't help think of Trans Iowa. It is a great bench mark as nothing since has been able to compare to the beating we took. I know there are days when my mind is not in the right place, and the wind beats me down into a grumpy mood. I remember actually being angry at the wind for causing me such misery. I am hoping that I am growing out of those times and I can have fun, with snow or whatnot blowing in my face at 30mph, struggling to keep my laughing to a minimum to save my teeth.

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