Monday, May 25, 2009

St Bonifactious?

I went out for my longest ride of the year this morning. Ken stopped by and we headed out a little after 6AM. For some reason, he decided to accept my idea of riding around Lake Minnetonka to hook up with the Loose Line Trail, of which I hadn't ridden before. The wind was a little stiff from the SSE, so it ended up giving us a headwind on our way home. Not the most intelligent idea, but turned out ok.

We cruised out the Kenilworth Trail and hooked up with the North Corridor to take us to Victoria. We stopped for a small refueling and headed out to roads neither of us had ridden before. With the wind at our backs and the sun coming out, it was pure bliss. The roads are really nice and most of the time had a wide enough shoulder to ride side by side. We soon entered the town of St Bonifacious. This is a town we didn't even know existed (sorry to all the residents). It's a nice little town and I certainly won't hesitate to have a ride go through there again. We were a little early to enter the parade.

A little further north and we came upon the Luce Line Trail. We then turned into the wind and headed back. Being on the trail, we were sheltered quite nicely from the wind. For about 8 miles. It started to open up and unfortunately, the increasing wind and the fact we were hitting the 60 mile mark culminated in an unhappy rider (that would be me as I have never seen Ken unhappy while riding a bike). Fortunately, Ken has a fantastic sense of graciousness and helped me limp into Golden Valley to recharge at Chipotle.

Having food in my stomach was a much needed thing. But it then sat about midway in my gut, taunting me with the possibility of expelling it. Good thing that only lasted about 40 minutes or so. It's hard to say if it was about being home or I was just starting to feel good again, but while riding up Minnehaha, I really felt I could ride some more. After getting home and showering, I'm glad I called it quits.

The map is more or less accurate. There was a lot of cut and tack maneuvering around north Minneapolis that I'm sure I didn't get right, but it's pretty close.

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