Friday, September 3, 2010

Different Ride

This morning Dan and I went on a ride with some other industry folk. It was a small group (5 this morning) that do some urban off road riding at various places around the cities. There was a nice mix of a couple cyclocross, couple mountain (one being my 3 speed XO-2), and a 29r. As we had to work at 10, we rode the somewhat off road trails along river road, to Ft Snelling, and then Dan and I turned north while the others sought further adventure.
I don't ride with very many different people and I was reminded of why this morning. Although I didn't have any problems with how these folks rode (a common issue with me), it was the talk of some that bugged me. I have a hard time competing with people as I don't really care how I stack up to others. So it ends up that I listen to a lot of what other people speak at me. And a lot of time, it isn't anything that they should be sharing.

But the riding was great. It was the second time in a couple
of weeks that the XO-2 was out and I even received a very nice complement; "I like your bike". No drooling over this or that, just a simple "nice ride" is music to my ears. Thanks Dave.

As I stayed a little late to work on a repair after work, I left the shop around 7 PM. Not moving too fast, after a full days worth of work and a little longer morning commute, I
realized that the sun was setting around the time I would be crossing the Hamline pedestrian bridge. I picked up the pace, but was a little late. I was still able to capture some images, and I think this one is the best. I like the way the amazing color is offset by all the industry of cables, towers, and buildings. A little ironic.
Have a great Labor Day. Labor away!! Wait, I guess don't labor. Think about labor. But don't labor over it.

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