Monday, May 12, 2008

Officially Old

There are several reasons why I call myself old. Most of them have to do with my general day-to-day activities. My wife and I had spent Sunday afternoon in the back yard trying to prepare it for the spring planting. We cleaned up, ate a little dinner and I sat down to call my mom. She chatted with me for a minute and then mentioned the party she was having. That ended the conversation right there. I was dissed by my mom. I am putting up clothes lines and pulling weeds. She's playing. I am old.

I am building up a bike for a friend. I really like doing this kind of stuff as it makes me think about my fleet and all the repairs and upgrades I should be doing. I have started a written list to make sure that things get done this year. I am very close on a number of bike projects. I unfortunately have the habit of being distracted quite easily. I am hoping if I have the list, start in on one bike and go all the way through it to the finish before moving on to the next, that I will have all the bikes ready by July.

The bike shop folk have made a pledge that during the month of July, we have to make sure to ride each bike we own to the shop once, and we cannot ride the same bike to work two days in a row. I am out of town for a week during July so it makes it difficult to have enough days to ride all my bikes. I may have to ride up there on a day off or two.

We have some company coming into town this weekend. Just to make sure I don't feel as if I have everything under control, I add extra house cleaning to the list. Maybe I will shave the cats to keep things a little nicer.

Would an old person consider shaving his cats?

This one is.

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